Thursday, January 24, 2008

124.6 Hogg to Harbhajan, 1 run, delivery looped up outside the off stump, spins back into the right hander sharply, Harbhajan reaches for it and looks to drive it on the rise through the covers, inside edge turns it to square leg for a single
124.5 Hogg to Kumble, 1 run, back of a length delivery on the middle and leg, drifting back into him, Kumble closes the face of the bat and clips it to mid wicket for a single
124.4 Hogg to Kumble, no run, defends it on the off side
124.3 Hogg to Kumble, no run, full and straight on the stumps, angling away from the right hander, Kumble gets right behind and defends it solidly on the off side with a dead straight bat
124.2 Hogg to Harbhajan, 1 run, delivery looped up outside the off stump, spins back into the right hander, Harbhajan comes on the frontfoot and drives it to deep extra cover for a single
124.1 Hogg to Harbhajan, FOUR!!, delivery looped up on the off, curving in and spins away from the right hander sharply, Harbhajan comes on the frontfoot and leans into the shot, drives it on the rise to extra cover, lovely shot from Harbhajan Singh!

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