Thursday, January 24, 2008

1.6 Pathan to Hayden, no run, good length delivery on the off, pitched up in the corridor of uncertainty, curving in and darts away from the left hander sharply, Hayden gets forward and looks to jab at it away from his body, beaten all ends up, Pathan almost produced the edge on that occasion
1.5 Pathan to Hayden, 2 runs, touch short of good length delivery outside the off stump, angling into the left hander and then shapes away a trifle, Hayden stands up tall and erect, punches it between extra cover and long off for a couple, Hayden wants the third but Ganguly gets the ball back quickly to prevent the third
1.4 Pathan to Hayden, no run, good length delivery outside the off stump, holding its line this time, Hayden comes on the frontfoot and shoulders arms to it
1.3 Pathan to Hayden, no run, Pathan hits the deck hard outside the off stump, doesn't bounce much on that occasion, Hayden goes on the backfoot and looks to pull, misses it, stays very low this time
1.2 Pathan to Hayden, no run, fuller length delivery on the stumps, angling into the left hander, Hayden comes on the frontfoot and looks to drive it, the bat face turns in his hand, mistimes it back to the bowler
1.1 Pathan to Hayden, no run, fuller length delivery outside the off stump, curving in and shapes away from the left hander sharply, Hayden comes on the frontfoot and shoulders arms

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