Monday, December 17, 2007

Ashish Magotra, Mumbai Mirror: On the face of it, India's tour of Australia isn't anything out of the ordinary. The team is doing what it's supposed to do - going on tour to other countries.

But delve a little deeper and you'll notice that the players are filled with a manic, nervous energy because they are trying to accomplish something that no other Indian team has managed - win a series Down Under.

Alien pitches, a biased media, hostile crowds and a world champion team, all add to the challenge of touring Australia.

But this band of Indian cricketers knows what to expect and they are prepared for the worst. The Aussies will come hard at them but that doesn't scare Kumble and Co, rather it just makes the battle more enjoyable.

"Winning in Australia... well, winning always feels good no matter which team the win comes against but to beat Australia in Australia; to do something that no other Indian team has managed is indeed going to be special," said Kumble, just before the team posed for a group photo on the eve of their departure

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